Burger Press & Patty Makers

Burger Press & Patty Makers

A burger press is an essential tool for the home butcher who loves to barbecue. We have heavy-duty burger smashers and presses to help you create perfectly shaped and tasty burger patties every time. If you care about eating good quality burgers and sausages, by making them yourself, you’re in charge of the ingredients. Say goodbye to preservatives, additives, too much fat and low-quality fillers. You can buy a burger press or patty maker below.

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Tips for making perfect burgers

  1. The patty

The patty is the centrepiece of the perfect burger. It should be juicy, tasty and cooked to perfection, ideally with a nice char and that unbeatable barbecue flavour. The choice of meat is up to you, but many people prefer Angus beef for its flavour and fat ratio, which keeps it juicy. The thickness of the patty should give you a meaty mouthful, but not so much that it dominates the other ingredients. Use your burger press for perfect thickness and shape.

  1. Toppings

Quality beats quantity every time with burger toppings. Choose fresh salad ingredients and toppings that complement the flavour of the patty. Loading too many different flavours into your burger can muddy the eating experience, so choose a few that help to make your perfect patty a mouth watering delight.

  1. Condiments

Condiments put the finishing touch on the perfect burger. The three most popular are tomato sauce, mustard and mayonnaise, but you can try relishes, pickles and other sauces depending on your patty and toppings.

  1. The bun

It goes without saying that a fresh, lightly toasted bun is essential for the perfect burger. They’re not easy to eat without one.

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